Venom: The Last Dance opens with Venom and Eddie, both played by Tom Hardy (Mad Max Fury Road, The Dark Knight Rises), getting teleported from a distant galaxy all the way to a little Mexican bar tended by Cristo Fernandez (Ted Lasso, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts). What’s that glowing on the bar top? It’s a neon sign featuring the Pacifico logo which enjoys ten seconds of screen time as the scene unfolds! You can’t miss it but, at the same time, it lends the scene authenticity and realism as a decorative object that you’d find in bars across the world.
Deadline reports that the final film in the Venom trilogy earned $27.3 million across 47 international box office markets over its first two days and is projected to open to $180 million globally, beating the last film, Venom: Let There Be Carnage, by 5%! Catch the film and our placement for Pacifico this weekend in theaters across the country!
Want to secure similar exposure for your brand, product, or clients in today’s biggest theatrically released films? Let us know and we’ll start a conversation to tailor a product placement program to your needs and budget!
Tartaglione, N. (2014, October 25) ‘Venom: The Last Dance’ Bonds With $27.3M In First Two Days Overseas; Now Eyeing $180M Global Bow – International Box Office